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Wednesday, December 28, 2011

A Thought: A Kid’s Dream

Unadulterated dreams like flying in the sky, living in some ‘Choco’ land, suddenly becoming powerful and turning into a superhero, getting magical powers…can just be a child’s dream.
A kid’s dream is the most beautiful thing in the world. Its restriction-less, bound-less, reality-less…but don’t forget its no ‘LESS’. It’s just a thought…which amuses you beyond the borders of reality. For me it’s like your own fiction book which keeps you dosed up and happy in your world…limitless world. Where there is what you could have ever desired…and seeing this, through your own wondering eyes, your own way makes the experience more ravishing.                
Never let that part of you grow up…which knows how to live these endearing dreams. Let the charisma of dreams take you into the roller coaster ride…throughout your happy life.
                                                                                                                                             Dream like never before,
                                                                                                                                                   Visheshika Baheti
‘Never let the child in you grow up’…at least let your dream remain a kid’s dream.'